Monday, January 5, 2015

The stuff about the notarisation of documents in India.

1.    Who is a Notary?
Notary is person appointed by the Central Government or state government under Notaries Act 1952. The Central Government may appoint a notary for the whole or any part of the country. Likewise, the state government may appoint a notary for the entire or for any part of the state. He is a public officer.
2.    What are the functions of notary?
The appointment, functions of notary public is governed by the Notaries Act 1952.
There are various functions. We shall confine here to functions which are more relevant to the public:
1.    To verify; authenticate, certify or attest the execution of any instrument. The Act refers to instrument. The word instrument is defined in the Act, as every document by which any right or liability is or purports to be, created, transferred, modified, limited, extended, suspended, extinguished or recorded. So every document is not an instrument, unless it effects a right or a liability. Each word should verify, authenticate, certify, attest, and has different meaning. Authenticating means, the notary has assured himself of the identity of the person who has signed the instrument as well as to the fact of execution. Certify means to testify. Notary is bound to make entry of notarial act of certifying the copy of the document as true copy of original. Attest means to bear witnesses to.
2.    To administer oath to, or take affidavit from any person.
3.    To translate and verify the translation, of any document from one language into another.
4.    To act as commissioner, to record evidence in any civil or criminal trial if so directed by the court or authority.
5.    To act as arbitrator, mediator, or councillor if so required.
6.    To do any other act which may be prescribed.
3.    When a notarial is completed?
Every notarial act has to be done under his signature and notary seal with registered number and date.
The relevant document is executed right before the Notary Public, after which, he notarises the document by affixing his seal and Signature!

4.    What is a notary seal?
It is mandatory for notary to use his official seal. The Notaries Rules 1956 has prescribed the form and design of the seal to be used. It shall be plain circular seal of 5 centimetres diameter. It shall contain the name of notary, the jurisdictional area where he has been appointed to exercise his functions, the registration number, and circumscription “notary” and the name of the government which appointed him. The notary shall use his office seal on every document. The Evidence Act also provides that the courts should take judicial notice of seal of the notary. In the absence of the seal of the notary, the document has no evidentiary value.
5.    Are the affidavits verified by notary admissible in courts?
The Section 139 of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 has an express provision, in this regard, where any affidavit verified by notary is admissible as evidence. Likewise, Section 297 of Code of Criminal Procedure provides for admission of affidavits verified by the notary.
6.    Does notary public have to ensure that proper stamp duty is paid on instrument?
Before doing any act of notary, it is the duty of the notary to ensure that the proper stamp duty is paid, if not he may impound it under Section 33(1) of the Stamp Act. Apart from the regular stamp duty, the act of notary attracts additional stamp duty under Article 42 of Indian Stamp Act.
7.    Does notary charge any fee for doing notarial acts?
The Notarial Rules 1956 has prescribed the fee for each category of act. The rule No.10 refers to the fee to be collected by the notary. He should display rates of fee charged in conspicuous space both inside and outside his chamber or office. In addition to the fee, notary may also charge the travelling allowance by train or road at ` 5 per kilometre.
Happy Learning and Sharing.
Source, references and DNA newspaper.

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